So he can't quite say his "th" sound yet, so he keeps saying, "I'm free". Cute. Okay, so I am way late on postings and finally getting a few minutes of evening time to catch up on things. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying every party, planning of party, and spending time with friends and family as we celebrate Christmas this month, but whew, it is nice to have a little breather.
All that to say...I am going to have to skip a Thanksgiving post, and know that we had an awesome time in Dallas with Grammy and Pappa and Aunt Libby and Uncle Ethan, riding a train to the Railway Museum (every 2 year old train lover's dream day), and fishing and riding tractors at Uncle Lynne's, and jumping in huge piles of leaves.
Last week we celebrated Tye's 3rd birthday! If you asked him what kind of party he wanted, he wanted a "Green Train Party" aka: Percy the Train Party. So a Green Train Party we had and boy was it fun. We had a good ol' family party and thanks to my Mom, Dad and Aunt Natalie, a cardboard box Percy attended the party. Tye and the kids loved every bit of it. They played in it for hours with their flashlights and train engineer hats. Thanks to Grammy and Pappa for coming down for the party, too.
Here are a few pictures! Oh yeah, and we had SNOW!! Tye was not a huge fan, he is cold in 70 degree weather, so he just wanted Pappa to make the snowballs so he could throw them from the garage. He is spoiled with the 90 degree weather. I say spoiled, bc I am a fan of the heat. Russ on the other hand is not a fan of the 90's. Either way, it snowed!