Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandmother, and other random happenings!

We celebrated Grandmother's birthday on Saturday, and Natalie's boyfriend, Andrew, was in for the occasion as well. Tye is feeling better and recovering from 2 mild ear infections last week. Of course, they only start to act sick or run a fever on a Friday, when they know the doctor's office will be closed on the weekend, so I probably reacted a little too quickly in taking him in, but with a weekend approaching, you never know. So he his is on an antibiotic, and they gave him a prescription decongestant. The bottle said that it may cause drowsiness, but not in my child! He did not nap for 2 days...needless to say, we are off that one! He is doing much better, though...but now I think he may be teething. I will let you know how that goes. Never a dull moment! Hope this blog finds you well. Here are a few photos to share.

Mom and Tye blowing out her candles.

Natalie and Andrew at Mom's birthday party before she left for Atlanta for a week.

Tye has always loved pulling glasses off of other peoples heads. He has finally accomplished the task of not only pulling them off other peoples heads, but successfully putting them on his head. Case and point with my Mom's pair.

Shane and Lindsay left for Indonesia last week. We miss them already, but we know that God has a great plan for their lives. For those of you who know them, please keep them in your prayers.

Here is Tye's new "hidey hole". For those of you whe do not know what a "hidey hole" is (eg. Russ) is a secret hiding place. In Tye's case, it is the corner behind the glider in his room. Unfortunately, as you can see...there are many cords and cables back there, and all he really wants to do is turn the switches on and off. We are working on putting together a new spot for him. He loves it back there though.

Love to you all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tye man, you are so precious. Thanks for the update. Glasses? Funny. Hiding places? Now let me see. Upstairs, maybe? Oops! not yet. Glad you are feeling better but please nap for mom's sake. Love, Grammy